Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Album Premier: Mo Troper Gold!

A lot of you reading this might have become aware of Mo Troper through seeing his music featured on Pitchfork, SPIN, or NPR - and if that is the case rest assured you're a fucking poseur.

I first saw Mo Troper in 2013 when was playing with a band called Sancho (cuts "Something to Talk About" and "Cooler" are from that band) play a sweaty house show in my friend Lance's basement in Modesto, CA. Everyone knows that house shows are the best places to see bands and that's even better when you're friends with the guy putting on the show.

After his set was over I went up to the man himself and told him how much it rocked. That his blistering blend of pop rock was equal parts Foo Fighters and Gaslight Anthem. "Thanks dawg," he said. I told him to give me a call next time he rolled through town. He thanked me, held up two fingers, and grinned "catch you on the flipside".

Fast forward years later and this guy is on all these websites, even NPR (honestly, if you wanna get the latest in world affairs NPR is the best but they should save the music criticism to Robert Christgau and Steven Hyden).

Those of us true Troper heads can remember the tunes that dropped before he soled out and turned poseur. He is in debt to all of us and those of us who knew him in these early days can take ownership of his success and resent people who discovered him later. Thankfully for us this collection captures the cream of Troper (like the Clapton collection).

Check it out below: